Scientific Name: Nauclea diderrichii
Also known as: Abouko, Akondoc, Aloma, Aloua, Asibo, Awesu, Badi, Bedo, Bilinga, Bohia, Bonkangu, Bonkese, Bosema, Bosima, Brimstone, Bundui, Doe-yah, Dubawile, Dunkake, Echinchin, Edjin, Eke, Ekusiawa, Engolo, Eridinda, Etinda, Gluu, Groussou, Gulu, Gulu-maza, Gulumanzi, Ikaka, Issoula, Kantate, Kilingi, Kilu, Kusia, Kusia papa, Kusiaba, Kusiabe, Kusiabo, Kussia, Linzi, Mamoundi, Mokesse, Moukonia, Mtoma, N’gulu, N’gulu maza, N’gulu-maza, Nguebe, Obiache, Odosi, Opepe, Opepi, Owessu, Owoso, Sibo, Sukisia, Tebotue, Toumbo, Uburu, Urherekor, Wei-yidi
Origin: Tropical West Africa – From Sierra Leone to the Congo region and eastward to Uganda.
Traditional Uses: Cabinetry, Furniture, Flooring, Boat Building, Decking, Dock and Marine Construction, River Defenses, Bridge Construction Knife Handles, Jewelry Boxes.
View BILINGA OPEPE In Stock Now!
Commonly referred to as Bilinga in some regions and Opepe in others, this wood has garnered a highly regarded reputation on two main factors:
First, there is no denying the vivid beauty this timber exhibits with its spectrum of sunburst colorations – it ranges from a brilliant golden yellow, to midrange tangerine, to deeper orange brown with copper luster. The grain is frequently interlocked and irregular and sometimes provides rope/ribbon figuring. Bilinga Opepe bears a striking resemblance to Afzelia and stands out visually from other timbers due to the vibrant coloration it provides.
Secondly, Bilinga Opepe has a proven reputation of high durability and resistance across several categories. With a class 1 rating, it is practically immune to fungi, as well as highly resistant to drywood borers and termites. Similar to Greenheart, it is also classified as a marine timber and is listed in the European standard NF EN 350-2, which approves it for class 5 usage (end-uses in and around marine environments and brackish waters).
Moderately easy to work with hand tools, accepts glue adequately, but is resistant to preservation treatments. While still an uncommon species for the American market, Opepe has developed a reputation in the UK with boat building communities, as well as increasingly becoming a preferred material for exterior furniture such as pool loungers, Adirondack chairs, beach tables and more.
View BILINGA OPEPE In Stock Now!
Specific Gravity: 0.65
Hardness: 1630 Janka
Density: 47 pcf
Tangential Movement: 7%
Radial Movement: 4%
Volumetric Shrinkage: 12%
Durability: Extremely Durable
Fine Examples of Bilinga Opepe Creations: Note: links may take you to 3rd party Websites